5 & 1 Exercise Plan


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The life you want is waiting, all you have to do is take the first step.



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When starting out on the 5 & 1 Plan, Exercise is not required and Strenuous Exercise is not recommended BUT you will want to start making healthy and active choices. It is important that you do not over do it, especially in the beginning. Here are some things that you can start thinking about doing.

  • Park a few parking spots further away than normal when going to the store.
  • Try standing a few more minutes every day than the day before. TIP: When watching TV, every time there is a commercial try standing during the commercials. If you watch TV using a DVR, when the commercials come on, before you fast-forward, press pause and get up, walk to the kitchen and back and then resume watching.
  • Go for a family stroll around the block after dinner time.
  • Try stretching a little bit more today than yesterday.


These are just a few tips, use your imagination and work activity into your day a little bit at a time. You will find that as you lose weight you will want to start doing more activity. Just remember that in this stage you will not want to do vigorous exercise just yet.


 Stay active, have fun, be safe, Live Healthy!


We recommend that you contact your healthcare provider before starting and throughout your OPTAVIA weight loss journey, especially if you are taking medications (e.g., diabetes medications, high blood pressure medications, Coumadin (warfarin), lithium, thyroid medications etc.)
Do not use the OPTAVIA Program if you are pregnant. If you have a serious acute or chronic illness (e.g., heart attack, diabetes, cancer, liver disease, kidney disease, anorexia, bulimia, etc.) do not use the OPTAVIA Program until your healthcare provider says you have recovered or that your condition is stabilized. The Optimal Weight 5 & 1 Plan TM is NOT appropriate for teens (13 to 18 years of age), sedentary older adults (65 years and older), nursing mothers, people with gout, some people with diabetes, and those who exercise more than 45 minutes per day. For special medical or dietary needs, refer to our program guides online.
NOTE: Rapid weight loss may cause gallstones or gallbladder disease for those at high risk. While adjusting to intake of a lower-calorie level and diet changes, some people may experience lightheadedness, dizziness or gastrointestinal disturbances. These usually are temporary.
This Program and any of its materials do not in any way constitute medical advice or substitute for medical treatment.