About Us







 The life you want is waiting, all you have to do is take the first step.

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Gundy Health Story


The desire to stop yo-yo dieting and make a life-changing decision to get healthy and stay healthy.


Stephanie first made this decision in early 2018 and after just a few short months she had lost a lot of weight* and was on her way to becoming a healthier version of herself.  Learning what to eat and when to eat was the key to success while developing healthy habits along the way. This was infectious and spread to many other friends and colleagues wanting to do the same thing that Stephanie was doing, including her husband Kevin and their daughter-in-law, Monica.  Both Kevin and Monica started the same health plan and both saw significant weight loss* in a short amount of time along with increased energy and a decreased appetite!


With a desire to be well-equipped to help others, Stephanie became a certified health coach with the MacDonald Center for Obesity Prevention and Education and has led many clients across the U.S. to excel in, and even surpass their weight loss goals!


With the expansion of many new clients, Kevin and Monica also became health coaches and together we opened the doors to Gundy Health!  As coaches we will educate you on the plan, walk day by day with you the first week while you are on the plan, and reach out to you weekly thereafter to assist you with encouragement, accountability, and coaching to help you reach your goals  We will also connect you to a private Facebook page full of Optavia® clients just like yourself as an added measure of support and encouragement.  We are committed to getting you on the fast-track to a new healthy you!  Don’t let another day go by, reach out today!


There is no charge for coaching services… we are at your service!  You are only responsible for the Optavia® fuels you choose to purchase. There are no hidden fees, no registration fees, and no cancellation fees.  If you desire to try this plan for only 1 month, you merely pay for the fuels you would like to purchase for that month.  However we believe that when you experience the ease and freedom that this plan offers, you will want to continue to see your success grow each month as you lose weight and become healthy!



The Gunderson Family 




The information on this site regarding products and plans are owned and operated by Optavia®. We are authorized coaches of Optavia®.  All sales will go directly through the Optavia® website through our coach portal:  www.StephanieGunderson.Optavia.com.  The Gundy Health site provides an easy one-stop empowering and educational tool for our clients to view plans, products, recipes, transformations, and recommended grocery store approved items which we are authorized by Optavia® to educate our clients on.

 *Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

Our Coaches Stories


Stephanie’s Story


I’ve found myself living a life of losing weight and consistency gaining it back as if it was an old friend I couldn’t say goodbye to. I’ve finally found a health plan that not only makes this journey of losing weight MUCH easier, but also provides me LONG TERM support and success. I consistently lose weight and inches EVERY WEEK and I’m excited about the freedom I am finally experiencing from this yo-yo journey I’ve been on. For me, one of the rewards is watching weight come off from areas that I haven’t even seen a change in with other diets I’ve done in the past. I went from a size 10/12 to a 2/4!! This plan works and I’m proof of that!


Total weight loss on this plan of 56 pounds and counting.

Kevin’s Story


I reluctantly started my weight loss journey on October 19th, 2018. I did not think that I could give up all the food that I loved to eat but after one month I found out that the food I can eat is delicious and I had lost 20 pounds so I kept going. 10 weeks after I had started I was down 50 pounds and I had so much energy that I had to start going to the gym. Four weeks after starting to work out I was down another 11 pounds and feeling great. I have gone from a very tight size 36 pants (below my belly) to a loose fitting size 32 around my belly.


Total weight loss on this plan of 61 pounds and counting.

Monica’s Story


I lost 40 lbs in 4 months!! All while managing the added stress of my senior year in college and being a newlywed. I went from a size 8 to a size 2! I found it was easy with this great health plan that took the guesswork out of eating and giving me great results while focusing on my future ahead! I am now in maintenance and maintaining my weight successfully!


Total weight loss on this plan of 40 pounds and maintaining.

*Average weight loss on the Optimal Weight 5&1 Plan® is 12 pounds. Clients are in weight loss, on average, for 12 weeks.

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